Registration Is Closed!
Hey guys.. news update =D
Registration For The Fiesta Is Now Closed!
thoes interested in joining NASSAA events have to wait for
our next event coming up soon =)
will update on the blog also also on the NAS website =D
Like to give a gentle reminder to the alumni members tat joined for the fiesta
the event is on this SAT 24th June 2006 for the Sports Fiesta Event..
it be nice if u invite ur friends to join everyone in the fun of the Fiesta!
Cheerleaders welcomed =x
Ngee Ann Sports Fiesta
Hi guys updates on the Sports Fiesta =)
there be 2 sports involved..
First is 5-a-side Soccer and Captian's Ball
basically both games.. its for a team of 7 players (5 main and 2 reserves)
there be a registration Fee of $4.90 which inculdes refreshment prizes and other cost
=) just incase u guys still dunno the dates
Last date of handing up the form would be on the 17th tis month.. and the following week would be the event =)
hope to see u guys there..
the forms can be get from
hi guys as u know the Ngee Ann Sec Alumni Sports Fiesta is coming up on the 24....
Registration Forms are Out now !
u can get them @
Click me =DClosing Date for sending up the forms is on the 17th =( next sat.. sorry bout putting up the forms late..
Mascot !

Ta-dah ! Here you go ! Our school mascot...standing right next to our present principal, Mr Chua =)
Founders' Day !
Aloha to one and all ! Ah-hah ! Yes, the alumni is finally blogging our SECOND post after a long while. Alongside that, we have a new revamped look on our blog ! It's a little orange-y for now but hey, when there are better blogskins discovered, be sure that we'll change it immediately =)
And please tag the's not compulsory but let's work that tagboard out and not let it go to waste shall we ? NAS students and non-NAS students are all welcomed to tag. But of course, like any other thing in the world, there is a provided below.
Clause for tagboard : No indecency nor vulgarities nor anything else that will make other people feel uncomfortable or shocked with while reading our tags will be allowed. If discovered, tags WILL BE deleted. =)
Now, everything aside, lets move on to the topic of today's post !
*drum rolls*
For those who have wondered, are wondering, and will still wonder in the future what exactly goes on during the Founders' Day Dinner event, let us take you through. Oh yes. We are aware that photos are very much needed and required in blogs. Our apologies that the photos are not in yet, given that we do not have an official photographer (which we will soon have)...but hey ! Once they are in, you can bet that this blog will be much more alive and interesting !
For NAS students who wish to see your picture/s on this blog, please feel free to stumble upon the Alumni during school events and you might just see yourselves here !
Oh yes, Founders' Day...great news for our Ngee Ann Secondary (NAS) students (past, present and future), we finally have an identity for ourselves ! For the ex-students of NAS, you know how we always used to refer ourselves to Ngee Annians ? Like...

Ngee Annians = 'ni' (you) onions.
And then we have cool peers who calls themselves 'Dunmanites', 'Anglicans'...and remember how we used to tell one another that one day we will have a name as cool as theirs ? Ah-haha ! Now we do ! From now onwards, Ngee Ann Secondary students are known as...
Mind you, it's not pronounced as 'nah-sians', but 'neys-tions'. Something like 'nations'. And before you ask anything, read the next segment ! =)
NASIAN stands for :
N - Nurturing talents
A - Aspiring students
S - Success
I - Integrity
A - All students count
N - National Pride
Cool, ain't it ? Kudos to the students who came up with this identity and its symbolic meanings !
And next up ! Our much awaited mascot...
Guess we'll just have to wait a little while longer before the photos can be put up. Haha ! Aww...wipe off that disappointed look off your face and replace it with a smile !

There ! You look much better !
Thereafter, we had the dinner ! Accompanied with performances by some of our school's talented students ! The food was great...and I'm sure all those who were present ate to their hearts' content ! The performances were also thoroughly enjoyed by those who were present. Our Wushu team did fantastic with all their cool and sleek moves while our Choir 'wow'ed us away with their melodious voices. Our Guzheng Ensemble and Chinese Orchestra added on to the joyous atmosphere with their choice pieces and we just wanna say that we are proud of them ! Job well done guys !
We ended the night with a song specially written for our school's anniversary. It's called "Memories". No no...not the Cats' version, but the NAS version. -.-"
Well, as a night of reminisce and gathering ended, it sure did remind us of how far Ngee Ann has come. The days we spent as kids to teenagers throughout our 4-5 years here are now memories we enjoy recollecting from time to time.
Happy Birthday Ngee Ann Secondary School, and thanks for being that special place where we all had our special moments and memories created in. *Cheers !*
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